HomeNewsEnvironmental school in Ghar Melh in Bizerte inaugurated

Environmental school in Ghar Melh in Bizerte inaugurated

Environment Minister Leila Chikhaoui chaired, Friday, an event dedicated to the inauguration of an ecological environmental school at the “El Intilaka” primary school located in Ghar El Melh (governorate de Bizerte). The initiative is part of «Climate protection through the circular economy in Tunisia (PROTECT) implemented by the National Waste Management Agency (ANGED) in partnership with the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ).

The program of the event, which coincides with the events of the national and international environment day, includes technical, environmental, cultural and awareness workshops. It was attended by the environment club, environment associations and the educational body of school. It included presentations and interventions from a number of ecology experts about the significance of the circular economy in reducing climate change as well as in valorizing and transforming waste into artistic and creative works.


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