HomeNewsAfif Frigui arrested on warrant

Afif Frigui arrested on warrant

The Gorjani Criminal Cases Sub-Department arrested Afif Frigui on Monday on the basis of an arrest warrant issued by Indictment Chamber 32 of the Financial Division of the Tunis Court of First Instance, said spokesman for the Tunis Court of Appeal, Habib Torkhani.

Torkhani told TAP by phone that the arrest warrant was issued on charges of unlawful disposal or misappropriation of public or private funds by the director of an association of public interest, misappropriation of public or private funds and misappropriation of documents, cheques, fees, contracts or movables in his possession by virtue of his position, or their transfer by any means.

Charges also include fraud, possession and use of a fraudulent document, and the preparation and use of a certificate stating facts that are materially untrue.

He was also arrested on a warrant issued by the investigating judge at the Court of First Instance in Tunis for fraud, possession and use of a forged document.


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