HomeNewsTunisia: net foreign currency assets cover 109 days of exports as at...

Tunisia: net foreign currency assets cover 109 days of exports as at December 31

Net foreign currency assets cover 109 days of exports as of December 31, 2019, against 85 days, on the same date of the previous year, according to data published by the Central Bank of Tunisia (BCT) on Tuesday.

The BCT reported a 38.5% increase in foreign exchange assets in one year, rising from 13.974 billion dinars at the end of 2018 to 19.356 billion dinars at the end of 2019.

Still according to the issuing institute, the overall volume of refinancing has decreased by 29% during this period, to 10.9 billion dinars, from 15.3 billion dinars in 2018.

Finally, the volume of interbank transactions increased by more than 71% to 1.5 billion dinars on December 30, 2019.


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