Industrial investment intentions in some interior areas of Tunisia fell, notably by 57% in Siliana, 43% in Jendouba (northwest) and 44% in Kasserine (Midwest), latest figures from the Tunisian Ministry of Industry indicated Monday.
Tunisian Minister of Industry Mohamed Lamine Chakhari contacted the Regional Directors of the Agency for Promotion of Industry and Innovation (APII) “to inquire about the pace of industrial investment in these regions and implementation of programs carried out, “said Monday the ministry of Industry in a statement.
The Tunisian Minister asked, on this occasion, detailed reports on project progress and the reasons for slowdown in industrial investment in these regions.
In such circumstances, it is important, said Mr. Chakhari, “to step up efforts to provide the appropriate framework for the realization of industrial projects in the interior regions taking into account the benefits granted to these regions and the supplementary finance law for 2012.”
Regarding the realization of industrial zones, the statement reported that a program established by the Industrial Land Agency (AFI) in Tunisia, includes the completion of 66 industrial zones (out of 100 planned areas), 47 areas of which will be achieved as part of regional development.