HomeNewsBuses and trains must be repaired, scolds the president 

Buses and trains must be repaired, scolds the president 

President Kais Saied has called for a further intensification of efforts and coordination between all parties concerned in order to provide the necessary funds to repair buses, trains and metro cars, pending the acquisition of new means of transport to rebuild a new land transport fleet.

This came during a meeting he had on Tuesday at the Carthage Palace with Minister of Public Works and Housing and acting Minister of Transport, Sarra Zaafrani Zenzri, according to a statement from the Presidency.

The President was briefed on the efforts being made to find urgent solutions for public transport, as “the daily suffering of citizens in terms of mobility cannot continue,” the statement said.

The Head of State also reviewed the progress of a number of major projects and stressed the need to overcome all the difficulties that have delayed their completion.


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