Outstanding customer loans of state-owned “Banque Nationale Agricole” (BNA) reached 6.375 million Tunisian dinars (MTD) to December 31, 2012, against 5.917 million dinars in the same period in 2011, posting an increase of 7.7%.
Customer deposits recorded between December 2011 and December 2012 grew 4.6%, or 231 million dinars.
The banking income amounted to 462 million dinars to December 31, 2012, against 430.9 million dinars in December 31, 2011, posting an increase of 31.1 million dinars, or a rate of growth of 7.2%.
Banking expenses, on the contrary, fell 5.8 million dinars, or 3.4%.
Net banking income amounted to 296 million dinars to December 31, 2012 against 259 million dinars in the same period last year, representing an increase of 14.2%.
The total operating expenses increased by 8.1% between December 2011 and December 2012.