A Libyan oil expert predi cts that oil will for a long time remain the main source of energy in the world and that the global economy w i ll for years depend on its exploitation.
The Administrative Manager of China Oil Services Limited (COSL), Ashref Kamel Ha ssen, told PANA on the sidelines of a forum on “Oil and Gas in Libya” that effor t s in Europe and the west in general on bio-fuel and other techniques to seek alt e rnatives to hydrocarbons remain experiments and can in no way replace oil in the
He underscored the importance of the forum, saying it offers prospects and enabl es Libya to show its potentials and crude oil reserves.
Answering a question on the freezing by the National Oil Corporation of Libya (N OC) of invitations to tender for new exploration blocks and the sharing of oil p r oduction, he said even though it was an issue that came within the competence of
state policy, it did not affect activities of companies settled in the country t h at had made discoveries in 2009.
The Operations and Planning Manager of Esnaad Oil Services Company, Jamal Musbah Bazena, said the year’s activities put a lot of emphasis on environmental issue s and ecological aspects.
There is also the presentation of new technologies aimed at reducing pollution t hrough proper oil extraction and a greater interest in recycling waste associate d with the oil exploitation.
He said in oil contracts respect for the environment and use of appropriate wast e management techniques were top priority.
Mourad Khalifa, Quality and Environment Manager of Al Rahila Oil Services Compan y, which specializes in the distribution of oil and by-products, underscored the increasi ng importance given to the environmental issue and respect for environmental sta n dards.
He said that his company, which currently had 103 oil stations all over the country, was conducting a maintenance project to restore all of them so
that they meet ecological and security standards.
The third edition of the “Oil and Gas Libya ” Forum which started on Monday is being attended by over 100 companies specialized in oil, gas and building and infrastructure.