National citrus production for the 2024/2025 season will increase by 5.2% to 365,000 tons compared to the previous season, said Dorsaf Ben Ahmed, head of the General Directorate of Agricultural Production, at a press conference held on Tuesday at the headquarters of the Ministry of Agriculture.
The production of citrus fruits is divided between the varieties of “Maltese oranges” (89.5 thousand tons), “Thomson navel” oranges (117.3 thousand tons), Clementines (78.9 thousand tons) and lemons (53 thousand tons), she said.
She added that production of all these varieties had increased, with the exception of lemons, which were 3.6% down on the previous season, and called on growers to respect the ripeness of these fruits before harvesting and selling them.
Regarding exports, she said that Tunisia exported 8,510 tons of citrus fruit in the 2023/2024 season, including 7,411 tons of Maltese oranges, an increase of 11.8% compared to the 2022/2023 season.
The value of citrus exports also went up by 15.5% to 25.460 million dinars.