Natural gas resources (domestic production + royalties) reached 1947 ktoe at the end of November 2024, a decrease of 19% compared with the same period of 2023, according to the report on the energy situation in November 2024 published by the National Observatory of Energy and Mines.
Dry commercial gas production fell by 25% and the royalty for the transit of Algerian gas went down by 11% to 824 ktoe at the end of November 2024 compared with the end of November 2023.
The Hasdrubal field and the Nawara and Chalbia fields have seen decreases of 10% and 40% respectively.
The same applies to the Miskar field, where production has fallen by 22%.
As for Southern Commercial Gas, production at the end of November 2024 increased by 15% compared to the same period last year.
The Observatory reported an 11% drop in the flat tax on the transit of gas of Algerian origin at the end of November 2024 compared with the same period in 2023.
Furthermore, the breakdown of the total royalty between the royalty transferred to the STEG and the royalty exported shows that the greater part is transferred to the STEG (100% at the end of November 2024).
It should be noted that at the end of September 2024, an overrun in STEG deductions from the royalty due to the Tunisian State was recorded for a volume of 152 million cm3, which is in the process of being regularized as of October 2024.
Purchases of Algerian gas fell by 3% to 2159 ktoe between the end of November 2023 and the end of November 2024.
National gas supplies fall by 5% to 4147 ktoe between end November 2023 and end November 2024.