Industrial production saw a 5.1% decline in May 2019 compared to May 2018 due to the decline in mining (-13.9%) and energy (-5.4%) sectors, according to the National Institute of Statistics (INS).
INS also reported a decline in production in petroleum refining (-67.6%), chemicals (-18.6%), ceramic and glass building materials (-8.1%), rubber and plastics (-5.9%), and textile, clothing and leather industries (-1.5%).
On the other hand, industrial production rose in the agricultural-food industry (+ 1.8%), as well as the mechanical and electrical industry (+ 0.7%).
Industrial production down 3.6% in 1st five months of 2019
Industrial production decreased by 3.6% in the first five months of 2019, compared to the same period of 2018.
This decrease is explained by the decline in production in the energy sector (-8.3%) and the agriculture-food industry (-8.4%), resulting from lower olive oil production.
Industrial production recorded a decline in the petroleum refining (-57.9%), textile, clothing and leather (-1.9%) and the mechanical and electrical industries (-1.3%).
However, industrial production recorded an increase in the chemical industry (+ 6.5%) and mining (+ 5.5%).