HomeFeatured NewsAfricanmanager’s survey on investment prospects of in 2009.

Africanmanager’s survey on investment prospects of in 2009.

In a prospective move, our site African Manager has conducted a survey targeting a variety of managers and senior executives of Tunisian companies in order to check the main trends and prospects of investment in Tunisia during 2009

The major conclusion that emerges from this survey shows very promising prospects in terms of investment as evidenced by the rate of respondents who intend to invest in 2009, which is about 81%, a percentage regarded as valuable amid the current difficult economic climate both nationally and internationally.
The question that arises in the light of this result is whether it is the consequence of the economic guidelines and policies adopted and of sustained efforts made by  the authorities to boost investment or that of  real opportunities justifying this momentum or simply a fact connected to juncture?
Regarding the 19% of respondents who disclosed their intention to be careful not to invest, their decision requires an analysis on the reasons for their choice.

Accordingly, the analysis of other results of the survey will better define the features of investment intentions for 2009 and will probably provide some clarifications over the points raised above.

55% plan to make new investments.
55% of people surveyed target new investment projects, products or services against 10% for equipment. renewal. The bulk of new projects is fuelled by efforts aiming at  exploring new markets, products or services or the development of new channels. Moreover, this analysis is confirmed by a relatively high rate of intentions to invest in expansion projects already underway (34%).

One wonders whether the responses of potential investors require thoughtful and planned decisions or merely a reaction to events or facts stemming from juncture.


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