HomeNewsTunisia: BTS Bank increases capital, changes its mode of governance

Tunisia: BTS Bank increases capital, changes its mode of governance

After having revised its statute at an Extraordinary General Meeting, the BTS (Tunisian Solidarity Bank) adopted a battery of measures for the benefit of its customers likely to strengthen its role and positioning on the market.

The Bank has decided to increase its capital by 20 million dinars to 60 million.

In addition, a separation between the functions of the Chairman of the Board and the Chief Executive Officer has been decided.

This separation aims at consolidating good governance within the bank and defining the prerogatives of the board of directors according to the texts in force.

This in addition to the modification of the Bank’s fundamental law allowing legal persons to now be able to benefit from financing from the bank in the same way as natural persons in order to support the creation of small projects and small businesses within the framework of partnership and cooperation with public bodies.

Finally, it should be noted that the Tunisian Solidarity Bank has changed its name to “BTS BANK”.


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