Public debt servicing (interest + repayment of principal) exceeded 5 billion dinars at the end of the first four months of the current year, according to the provisional results of the execution of the state budget at the end of last April.
To this end, the servicing of public debt, which represents 3.6% of GDP, has increased by 8.6% compared to the same period last year. It is divided between principal up to 3.57 billion dinars and interest up to 1.47 billion dinars.
This increase is mainly due to the 60% rise in domestic debt servicing from 1.7 billion dinars to 2.76 billion. As for external debt servicing, it posted a growth of 13% to 2.27 billion.
Consequently, the outstanding public debt reached 106.5 billion dinars at the end of April 2022, against 98 billion on the same date a year earlier, including 41.9 billion in domestic debt and 64.6 billion in external debt.