HomeInterviewEuropages, international business directory open up to Tunisian companies

Europages, international business directory open up to Tunisian companies

Classe Export Tunisia and its partner Europages recently organized a workshop in Tunis on “Europages, the new place of B to B market in international business and the presentation of the 2011-2013 development strategy of Europages on the Maghreb.” 

Two major players in this strategy explained what is expected from Tunisian companies, in particular and Maghreb companies in general. They are Samir Kotti Director of Classe Export Tunisia and Paolo Giuri, CEO of Europages.


Samir Kotti, Director of Classe Export Tunisia 

What is the approach that you propose to develop in the Maghreb? 

Today, we have just introduced a little bit Europages and its development strategy in North Africa. 
This approach serves to launch the new web development approach worldwide. 
So, we are on a new approach to buyers, advertising, different from the logics of classical buyers. 
We are practically relying on a new generation of buyers, and here we are putting forward the concept and the part that can be played by Europages in a clearer strategy.

What is the contribution of Classe Export to this strategy? 

With regard to Europages in Tunisia today, we have a positive balance which proves that Classe Export and Europages are working hand in hand to develop internationally, and this translates into a mobilization of top management and of Europages to come and present to the Tunisian market the new development strategies 2013.

Today, Classe Export is an international operator. 

Moreover, Classe Export is recognized for its expertise in aid to international development and active listening to the needs of businesses. In working to collect, cross and analyze 
information and facilitate necessary contact information, we provide practical and useful insights to all those who position themselves in foreign markets and seek to establish lasting business relationships. 

Our capacity for understanding and analyzing issues internationally allows us to decrypt 
issues, share experience and offer solutions specific to each company. 

To what extent companies will benefit of what you propose? 

Today, the Internet is an essential tool that puts world within the reach of SMEs. It helps avoid tedious steps and prolonged and expensive travel to build this essential network, provided that all potentials of the Internet are effectively used.
This platform, which is the B2B search engine internationally, provides solutions for SMEs not only to find suppliers abroad but also to be better known and get in touch with new 
customers, partners or distributors in the world.
Its reference database comprises 2.3 million companies from 35 countries in 751 categories.  Searches can be conducted in 26 languages. 

Paolo Giuri, CEO of Europages 

Can you brief us about the B to B platform? 

Europages has developed a B to B platform, where each month, millions of professionals visit
the websites of Europages. It is the most visited in Europe. 
I want to say that visitors to this platform come from all professional sectors, 
namely, the manufacturing industry 31%, services of several companies 34%, wholesale trade 13% and distribution 9%. 
Indeed, the latest survey conducted by “opinion way” showed that visitors to Europages 
are professionals, 79% of whom business owners, 8% sale managers and 7% administration service employees. 

In that sense, it was noted that a large majority of B to B buyers such as online searches, and 
product information are among the most useful contents in the decision process. 

How does the buying process works?

Obviously, the B to B buying process can take months, as policy makers follow a lengthy procedure of examination before choosing potential suppliers.
Most buying decisions begin with partially defined needs and the online search 
is often a first step. 

Online content can have a significant impact at this early stage. Once a restricted list 
of suppliers is prepared, the final decision is taken on the basis of information available; 
information on products and prices are by far the most important information for professional buyers.


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