The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is collabo rating with a think-tank in Ghana, Institute for Democratic Governance, to devel o p a National Human Development Report (NHDR) 2010 for the West African country.
The report, which will focus on seven main thematic clusters, would be under the theme: “Democratic Political Transition and Human Development”, the Ghana News A gency reported on Monday.
The thematic areas are state machinery; governance institutions and security est ablishment; the economy; social development and national cohesion; public and pr i vate corporate sector; general human development and theoretical and analytical f ramework.
The report would seek to give expression to concerns about the impact of democra tic political transition on contemporary human development programmes and bring t o the fore the need for radical changes for institutionalization of structures t o handle the problem adequately.
Dr Kamil Kamaluddeen, UNDP Country Director, said transition had become an impor tant process in the life of political governance of Ghana.
“Transition goes beyond change of power between political leadership,â? Dr Emma nuel Akwetey, the Institute’s Executive Director, said.
He noted that due to the unsteady political history of the country both the Seco nd and Third republics lasted for only about two years each following military i n terventions, hence the nation has not built any political transitional mechanism
and culture.